
Submodules# module#

Populates a ConfigurationModel by deserializing JSON data contained in a file.

class, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)#

Bases: BaseCommand

This command will deserialize the JSON data in the supplied file to populate a ConfigurationModel. Note that this will add new entries to the model, but it will not delete any entries (ConfigurationModel entries are read-only).


Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.

handle(*args, **options)#

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.

help = '\n    Populates a ConfigurationModel by deserializing the supplied JSON.\n\n    JSON should be in a file, with the following format:\n\n    { "model": "config_models.ExampleConfigurationModel",\n      "data":\n        [\n          { "enabled": True,\n            "color": "black"\n            ...\n          },\n          { "enabled": False,\n            "color": "yellow"\n            ...\n          },\n          ...\n        ]\n    }\n\n    A username corresponding to an existing user must be specified to indicate who\n    is executing the command.\n\n        $ ... populate_model -f path/to/file.json -u username\n    '#

Module contents#